Wednesday, December 22, 2021

It’s Iimi! Walking the Talk

In living the Christian life, it's easy to corrupt it into doing good to our friends while showing antipathy to those who hate us. But Jesus spoke against that attitude. As He pointed out, even pagans and tax collectors do that! (Matthew 5:46-47). Ignoring injustice done to those who hate us is not compatible with our Christian calling.


Even if we were foolish enough to ignore what our Lord taught us, it doesn't even make sense pragmatically to behave that way. Injustice done to others can be done to us as well. And if we don't oppose an evil when it first emerges, we may learn that nobody will be left to help us when evildoers turn on us. It's not enough to be "Talking the talk," merely saying the things that sound right. We need to be walking the talk, even when it costs us.

Content Alert:

(The reader should be aware that some of the characters use slurs in referring to others. I do not do this with approval of that language, but rather I do it to point out attitudes we cannot  hold as Christians, but some tragically do.)

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