Monday, December 18, 2023

It's Iimi! Credo In Unum Deum!

Owen is at it again, trying to convince Kismetta to leave Catholicism for Mormonism. But when the rest of the girls show up, Owen asks whether they at least recognize Mormons as Christians. Iimi must explain the difference between LDS henotheism and the Christian profession… Credo In Unum Deum!

Pre-Comic Notes:

Credo in unum Deum means "I believe in one God."

The Church document issued on blessing people in irregular unions came out too late to be addressed in the upcoming comics. I expect to discuss it in the 1/8/2024 issue. But briefly, it is not what the secular media, the anti-Francis Catholics, and those trying to subvert the Church teachings have claimed.


Post-Comic Notes:

If you are surprised by Iimi saying she doesn't think Mormonism is Christian, remember the Vatican has ruled that Mormon baptisms are not valid. Saying "not Christian" is not a moral judgment. It is saying that Mormon beliefs on the nature of God are incompatible with Christian beliefs.

The terms used by Mellie and Owen are apparently common among Mormons. (Remember, they're not allowed to swear).

Art Credits:

Panel wallpaper is by Figu Design.

The Cover is A.I. I simply told NightCafé to create an image of a "council of gods." This is the only one that looked passable for a cover image.

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