Monday, August 14, 2023

It's Iimi! O is for… Obey!

 The school year begins, and Ms. Otios is running logic class?! Will she teach them anything relevant? Or is her lesson plan going to teach them: O is for… Obey!


Post-Comic Notes:

Barbara Celarent is a logic-based pun. The explanation can be found HERE. If I could go back in time to when I first began the comic, I'd probably give this name to Anne Baculum. Anne was initially envisioned in the role Machen holds. But after the Vile Evil trilogy, that behavior no longer fits.

 Celerant's character is designed to be neither a sycophant nor agenda-driven. But as to whether she's an ally, an enemy, or neutral, you'll have to wait and see.

 The Supreme Court case Ms. Otios is ranting about is found HERE.

 The objections that Iimi refuted came from actual attacks made by politicians and by people on social media. Yes, their arguments are wrong. But they are ignorant about that fact and do not seem to know they are ignorant.

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