Thursday, September 23, 2010

Reflections on the Third Anniversary of the Arnobius of Sicca Blog.

(Yeah, I know I'm late by a day here… it's due to things I discuss below)

Who would have thought this site would still be going for three years?  I didn't.  I would have thought, back in 2007, that I would have given up by now.

Many topics were covered during these three years, though the main focus was always devoted to the defense of the Catholic faith expressing a belief that Christ did establish one Church and has continued to protect it from error.  I was fascinated with the use of Reason and Logic by the early Christian authors, as well as Peter Kreeft's "Socrates" series of books.  Both sources were helpful in looking at the claims of the world and asking "why should we accept this?"

The topics have been varied over the years, but have generally looked at the claims against the Church: the claims of dissenters, the claims of the state and of political parties, the claims of atheists and so on.  Generally, the claims sought to argue that the Church had no authority to make any authoritative statements which were binding on the faithful.

The comments have been relatively few compared to other blogs, but was generally positive, even when people disagreed with me.  I've only had to ban twelve people during those three years (two for proselytism, one for racial slurs and nine for offensive comments, personal insults and ignoring warnings to change their approach) but have met many more who were sincerely interested in dialogue, even if they disagreed with me, and for those people I thank you for coming by and sharing your thoughts.

Some of you might think this is a send off to an announcement that I will be discontinuing writing.  Well, not exactly.  I have taken on other obligations in my parish which will take up more of my time, and it feels as if God may be calling me to do other things.  So while in the past I tried for daily and then weekly posts, now I think it will be only a case of posting infrequently.

I hope to at least get the series on Papal Authority/Infallibility completed if time permits.

God Bless, and thanks for following the blog.

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